Magic Phone x Paper Calendar
Product design innovation is coming a long way, but often, today's society finds themselves in receipt of experiments and new products that really don't align well to daily life, many that are just design for design's sake. The latest miniature 'this', the craziest most advanced 'that', but amidst all this noise of hype, over-design and manufacturing, do come some usefulness. How many of you have ditched a paper calendar due to them not being accessible while at work or on your travels, or equally, how many continue to cherish the paper calendar on the fridge in your home, relying upon such to record all the personal events that your life revolves around?
SATORI & SCOUT reckon the answer to both are many, and many are those that have attempted to switch to a digital calendar and not been able to let go of traditions. The art of noting one's daily life on a piece of paper is a curious one, but in such a simple task we find peacefulness in the mind of cataloguing the event. Taking such deliberation one step further, product designer Kosho Tsuboi is a man that once lived in a zen monastery temple, and by such an experience and process, the graduate became aware of the relevance of time and how it instruct's most people's daily lives.
With such thoughts culminating in the design and realisation of the Magic Calendar, this hi-resolution electronic paper calendar display has the vision of it's users being able to connect and bridge the divide that otherwise exists between virtual calendars and our trusty paper versions. Part of Google€™s Android Experiments initiative, Magic Calendar has been designed in response to the questioning of whether "...there was a calendar that combines the merits of both paper and smartphone?" With such an Android app designed and it's partnering e-ink colour calendar prism display conceived, everything that is entered into the Android app's calendar is quite literally mirrored onto the wall, desk or fridge display. Overcoming the issues of duplication, or conversely, forgetfulness, this Magic Calendar design is really quite something.
Discover more about the Calendar online at:
Photography credit : Android