Upgrade Your Home Workout With Tempo
Whilst we may be on the verge of lockdown loosening its grip on our lives, there is almost certainly going to be some carry over as the fear of a second wave looms or as people remain fearful about infection. On that basis, the home workout will likely remain king (or queen) for a little while longer.
If you're a stickler for some good old tekkers then we've no doubt you're probably missing the comfort of a PT watching you or the trainer in your class pulling you up on your sloppy curls. Well, with all that money you've been saving by being in lockdown, the Tempo Studio might just a have a solution. They've developed an all-in-one workout system that uses a combination of a set of free-weights, a Microsoft Azure Kinect tracking camera and a rather sizeable 42-inch touch screen display to keep your form on the road to Gainsville.
The Tempo is designed to work from home (in the same way that you're not) and is compact enough to operate in almost any room. The 6-foot cabinet should sit at around eye level but will only take up about 3-square feet of floorspace. Whilst you'll then need some extra space for getting your sweat on, this means the system can be safely tucked away until that time comes. And when that time does come, you have a whole host of class options available to you; HIIT, strength training, cardio and yoga are all available.
Now here comes the magic of the Tempo - the Azure Kinect camera tracks your movements and pares it down to 25 essential joints, whilst also tracking the motion of the barbell and dumbbells you're using in real-time. This allows it to provide you with prompts as to whether you're doing the exercise right and, at the end of the workout, a summary that outlines how to correct your form next time.
The only concern with the system was how it would be able to cater for weight progression i.e. as you improve your technique and want to load up your barbell on your squat, for example, there is clearly a ceiling to how much you can do before it becomes unmanageable. A simple fix would be a rack that is sold with the system, although it doesn't appear this is yet available as an option. A bench or box would also be a useful addition and one that could really build out the range of workouts available. Accessories, accessories, accessories.
All in all, the system is sure fire way to achieve good form, consistently. As with most other smart fitness equipment, the price of $1,995 (excl tax and delivery) isn't exactly cheap. This, on top of a monthly content subscription of $39, therefore does make it a bit of an investment. But with AI-powered on-demand classes and live trainer programming, the investment could well be worth it.
Discover more about the Tempo Connected Home Gym at: Tempo.fit.
Photography credit : Tempo